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Coding Management software manages the active coding process for both in-house and remote coders. MRVIEW® automatically assigns records to coders, monitors workflow, and reports productivity. It enables instant messaging between the supervisor and coders, flagging of images, reassignment of images, and split screen to work concurrently with other software. MRVIEW is compatible with all vendors’ encoders.



  • Predetermined groups for assigning records to be coded.
  • Detailed coder schedule of work by percentage or manually.
  • Instant messaging and email capabilities within the software between management and coders that remain specific to coding and the records coded.
  • Capability of documenting notes as to how codes were derived, siting sources, etc. that permanently reside with the record.
  • Coding Management Dashboard to display and manage in real time pending records to be coded, pending records, and records which need follow-up.
  • Bookmarking feature within email to flag the specific document within a record that needs clarification or referencing (scanning is not a necessary component for the Coding Module).
  • Comprehensive audit trail that records date, time, location, and user.
  • Reassignment of records to coders or auditors due to errors or audits.
  • Coding Agencies can be provided access to manage workflow and productivity.
  • Smart caching, which allows temporary storage of images and automatic deletion on workstations.
  • Detailed and summary management reports.


Find out how MRVIEW can help your facility reach it's HIM goals.

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